Training Sessions

We meet on Thursday afternoons at 2.30. Sessions will start with a warm up- we try to keep them interesting! We'll then try out some drills to learn and develop various skills.  Then it's time to practice our skills in some game play before finishing off with a cool down stretch.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect on a Thursday training session?

Our sessions run on a Thursday from 14:30 - 16:00 at the sports hall at the Associação Recreativa e Cultural Amigos de Capeleira e Navalha near Obidos. 

The sessions start at 14:30 with a warm-up. We’ll then do 2 or 3 netball drills followed by short matches. Ending with a cool down stretch and finished by 16:00

There is a chance to chat after over a coffee/beer/wine.

What does it cost?

We charge €4 per person to cover the hall costs and keep us in bibs and balls.

What should I wear?

Normal sports attire (T-shirt and shorts/leggins) and trainers. Please, no long finger nails! These can be dangerous to other players. You will need to bring water, although there is a cafe on site, so you can buy if you forget. Don’t wear any necklaces or drop earrings.

What if I've not played before / since school?

Everyone is very friendly and will welcome you into our very special group.  We'll help you get into playing the game and will explain the rules and the positions as we go.

The club is an informal group. This means that you play sport at your own risk as we are not affiliated or insured. 

How can I join in?

Join our facebook group and check out the events section to register for our next training session or get send us a note to say hi